We, a partnership of over 60 civil society organisations across Europe, have just launched our pan-European campaign “Life beyond EU Funding: Imagining a Different Role for Youth Organisations in Europe”. In achieving a more sustainable environment for youth organisations across Europe, WE WANT YOU ON BOARD!
Youth organisations are agents of change, not just service providers! This role is primarily earned through the efforts of the organisations themselves and their capacity to be resilient and faithful to their vision and mission. However, a more favourable environment, supportive of change and experimentation and, essentially, more forgiving to mistakes is also crucial. We campaign across Europe arguing that operating funding to youth organisations needs to significantly increase. We request that operational funding reaches 5% of the overall Erasmus+ budget in the field of youth on a yearly basis. This can only be sustainable through a series of policy interventions in the system of allocation and the overall terms of operation of the youth sector on the EU level. |
Campaign Updates
1-to-1: A Series of Discussions on the State of the Youth Sectors across Europe
Faced with unique circumstances and preparing for results that are largely uncharted, youth organisations across Europe need to enhance their capacities and support youngsters in overcoming manifold socioeconomic challenges; and, at the same time, struggle for their own survival. |
Among other things, the Steering Committee decided to organise a seminar on advocacy and map the understanding about advocacy among young people through a survey. The Steering Committee for Network Campaigns meets every month.. |
The reporting conditions and the trust relationship that come with such grants make it possible for an organisation to focus most of its efforts on its strategic mission without having to report on every single activity in great detail. This also allows organisations to act with more agility and flexibility, which is especially important when facing crises, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. |
Reports from the field – On-line discussion |
Campaign co-signatories presented Erasmus+ projects and highlighted how they could have been more impactful were there more effective funding priorities/channels/instruments with a view to inform policy makers how funding mechanisms could be improved. |
Supporting the campaign
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Campaign Milestones
On the road to reaching our aims, we have set some specific targets
To help you navigate through our policy document, here is a Q&A reflecting the main points of the campaign
To learn more or to express your interest for becoming a member of the network, please contact Boyka Boneva at [email protected]
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